40 research outputs found

    COLABORACIÓN Y APRENDIZAJE EN EL CIBERESPACIO @rcacomum: comunidad de práctica iberoamericana de educadores de infancia

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    En este trabajo presentamos un proyecto de doctorado en Estudios del Niño con especialidad en el área de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC), que se desarrolló en la Universidad de Minho-Portugal, desde septiembre de 2005 a mayo de 2009. A través de este proyecto, de la Comunidad @rcaComum (www.arcacomum.pt), nos hemos propuesto encontrar formas de integración de las TIC para la auto-formación de los educadores de infancia y su integración en las prácticas desarrolladas en contextos de educación infantil (preescolar). Nuestra intención es presentar un breve marco conceptual sobre la sociedad de la información y del conocimiento, la relevancia de las TIC en contextos educativos y, posteriormente, de forma exhaustiva cómo se formó la comunidad de práctica @rcaComum, cuáles son sus herramientas y actividades e intereses para los profesionales de este nivel educativo

    Modelo de análisis de interacciones para comunidades de práctica online

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    O presente texto apresenta um estudo de investigação realizado em torno das interações em comunidades de prática online. Para este efeito foi desenhada, implementada, dinamizada e estudada a comunidade @rcaComum (www.arcacomum.pt – endereço principal). Esta comunidade de prática online ibero-americana nasceu em Setembro de 2006, e inclui participantes da América Latina, Portugal e Espanha, sendo dirigida a profissionais de educação da infância. Este ambiente virtual recorre a várias plataformas para a sua divulgação e dinamização, exclusivamente online (http://www.arcacomum.pt/comunidade; http://www.facebook.com/arcacomum; https://twitter.com/arcacomum; http://www.youtube.com/user/arcacomum e https://arcacomum.wordpress.com). Após seis anos de funcionamento, o objectivo principal continua a ser a construção conjunta de uma prática comum e troca de concepções sobre a educação da infância. Com o intuito de divulgar parte do estudo, mostramos um modelo de análise de interacções que foi desenvolvido para esta investigação, com base em modelos já existentes e aplicados a outro tipo de comunidades, tais como comunidades de aprendizagem e comunidades virtuais. Parece-nos que o contributo desta nossa proposta se revela importante, devido à inexistência de um modelo específico para comunidades de prática online. Este modelo permite uma análise das interacções em vários níveis, que devem ser consolidados para a afirmação e criação de identidade deste tipo de comunidades. Revela-se fulcral a dimensão da colaboração e liderança, sendo estes factores de sustentabilidade para ambientes virtuais (Miranda-Pinto 2009)

    Coding as literacy in preschool: a case study

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    Coding is increasingly recognized as a new literacy that should be encouraged at a young age. This understanding has recontextualized computer science as a compulsory school subject and has informed several developmentally appropriate approaches to computation, including for preschool children. This study focuses on the introduction of three approaches to computation in preschool (3–6 years), specifically computational thinking, programming, and robotics, from a cross-curricular perspective. This paper presents preliminary findings from one of the case studies currently being developed as part of project KML II—Laboratory of Technologies and Learning of Programming and Robotics for Preschool and Elementary School. The purpose of the KML II project is to characterize how approaches to computation can be integrated into preschool and elementary education, across different knowledge domains. The conclusions point to “expression and communication” as an initial framework for computational approaches in preschool, but also to multidisciplinary and more creative methodological activities that offer greater scope for the development of digital and computational competences, as well as for personal and social development.This research was funded under the project KML II—Laboratory of technologies and learning of programming and robotics for preschool and elementary school, which is co-funded by FEDER through the COMPETE 2020- Operational Thematic Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI) and national funds through FCT- Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under project reference number PTDC/CED-EDG/28710/2017

    An exploration of e-leadership in virtual communities of practice

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    El objetivo de este estudio es describir y determinar el estilo de e-liderazgo que asumen los líderes de comunidades virtuales de práctica de innovación educativa que emergen en Facebook. A partir de enfoque cualitativo basado en una metodología descriptiva e interpretativa, se describen los líderes que están al frente de dichas comunidades (n=100) y se analizan la frecuencia de sus intervenciones, así como las reacciones generadas en los miembros de la comunidad (n=37 comunidades), con el fin de determinar el estilo de e-liderazgo ejercido. Como resultado, se identifican tres tipos de e-liderazgo en función del sexo; en comunidades lideradas por hombres o por instituciones se ha identificado un liderazgo vertical basado en la jerarquización; las mujeres y las comunidades mixtas (lideradas por hombres, mujeres e instituciones) asumen un liderazgo horizontal, basado en la cooperación; y, por último, en los grupos sin un líder determinado se lleva a cabo un liderazgo distribuido entre los miembros. Finalmente se discuten los resultados, y el desarrollo del liderazgo en contextos virtuales determinado por el género, con el fin de avanzar en este campo emergente de conocimiento, como es el e-liderazgo.The objective of this study is to describe and determine the e-leadership style assumed by the leaders of virtual communities of educational innovation practice that emerge on Facebook. Based on a qualitative approach based on a descriptive and interpretative methodology, the leaders who are in charge of these communities are described (n=100) and the frequency of their interventions is analysed, as well as the reactions generated in the members of the community (n)37 communities), in order to determine the style of e-leadership exercised.. As a result, three types of e-leadership are identified according to sex; in communities led by men or by institutions, vertical leadership based on hierarchy has been identified; women and mixed communities (led by men and women together) assume horizontal leadership, based on cooperation; and finally, in the groups without a determined leader a distributed leadership among the members takes place. Finally, the results are discussed, and the development of leadership in virtual contexts determined by gender, in order to advance in this emerging field of knowledge, such as e-leadership

    Coding as literacy: case studies at pre-primary and elementary school

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    This paper presents two case studies being developed within project “KML II – Laboratory of technologies and learning of programming and robotics for preschool and elementary school”1 [1], [2]. Using a multiple case study approach, KMLII is working with educators and elementary school teachers towards the development of learning activities that integrate computational thinking, coding and robotics with the curriculum, for all students [3] and considering essential learnings [4], competencies and equal opportunities [5]. Participants are experimenting with both unplugged and plugged activities, including coding with ScratchJr and Scratch (only for elementary school). Data is being collected from educators/teachers’ logs and through distant observation. Observation uses the “Positive Technological Development (PTD) Engagement Checklist for Children”, developed by DevTech Research Group at Tufts University, under coordination of Professor Marina Bers (https://sites.tufts.edu/devtech/ptd/), translated and validated to Portuguese. Project KML was born in the context of a growing concern with the Portuguese education system’s response to the development of computational competences for all students. This concern emerges across different public initiatives led by the Ministry of Education’s technologies team (ERTE-DGE)2 and implemented through its competence centres3 for the integration of ICT in education , as well as partnerships with universities. Despite these, guidelines for the development of pedagogical practices that integrate coding with the curriculum still lack. Against this background, this paper presents in detail the methodological approach implemented for two case studies, at preschool and elementary school respectively. Using a multiple case study approach [6], KML II is working with 11 preschool educators and 17 primary school teachers, in 8 different Portuguese districts. The project delivered, in 2019, a national wide training action for in-service educators and primary school teachers [1], [2]. Participant educators and teachers were selected within the group that completed the training. Results from these case studies will inform the development a framework for the introduction of computational thinking, programming and robotics in the training of undergraduate and in-service educators and elementary school teachers, and the design of a competence profile for education professionals in these areas.O projeto KML II  é cofinanciado pelo FEDER através do COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) e por fundos nacionais através da FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito do projeto com a referência PTDC/CED-EDG/28710/2017 | Project KML II is co-financed by FEDER through the COMPETE 2020 - Operational Thematic Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI) and national funds through FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under project reference number PTDC/CED-EDG/28710/201

    Curricular integration of computational thinking, programming and robotics in basic education: a proposal for teacher training

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    Today's children are growing up in a complex technological reality, which, in turn, is pushing for the integration of digital technologies in educational contexts. Hence, it becomes necessary to explore how more recent educational approaches to technology can be inclusively integrated into education. Among these innovative approaches are the integration of computational thinking, programming and robotics both in preschool and basic education. Considering the referential of key competences for the current 21th century [1], early training in these areas will contribute to the development of transversal competences [2]. Thus, it is crucial to provide education professionals with the skills and resources for an adequate development of programming and robotics activities in educational contexts. In this paper we present a training action developed within the scope of the project "KML II - Laboratory of technologies and learning of programming and robotics for preschool and primary school". This training action aims to work with early education professionals towards the development of activities with children, using the tools foreseen in this research project. From the work done during the course, trainees should develop an activity plan using programming and robotics technologies, to be implemented in their respective educational contexts. Within this action, trainees are expected to: reflect on the concept of computational thinking and its development in preschool and basic education [3], [4]; collaboratively develop competencies associated with digital literacy and the use of robots and programming languages developed for children [5]; know programming and robotics resources that can be used in preschool and basic education; learn programming basics through applications such as ScratchJr, or others that can support learning development; plan activities according to the curricular contents of the respective level of education, using programming and robotics. Implemented through b-learning, this initiative will also enable educators and teachers to explore and develop distance learning and collaboration skills as well as the use of various support tools and work time management in synchronous and asynchronous sessions. This training is one of the first actions through which KML II project plans to study how to integrate programming and robotics in preschool and basic education, transversally to all areas of knowledge. Within this project, case studies will be carried out at a Portuguese national wide level. This work has two main objectives: a) to propose a training framework for curricular units of technology, in the courses for teacher training in higher education and for in-service training; b) to design a profile of childhood educator and primary school teacher as mediator in the integration of programming and robotics learning in their educational contexts.Project KML II is co-financed by FEDER through the COMPETE 2020 - Operational Thematic Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI) and national funds through FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under project reference number PTDC/CEDEDG/28710/2017

    Las TIC en la primera infancia: valorización e integración en la educación inicial a través del enlace @rcacomum

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    El presente artículo está estructurado en tres partes con el objetivo principal de mostrar la esencia de una investigación que se está desarrollando en el área de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) en la Educación de Infancia, en la Universidade do Minho, en Portugal. Nuestra intención es evidenciar como la cultura digital hace parte de los niños desde la primera infancia, como esta tiene influencia en su desarrollo. Destacamos concepciones que se revelan fervorosas, otras que nos muestran el lado negativo y como estos dos lados influyen desde la primera infancia. Por otro lado, presentamos la estructura y dinámicas de una comunidad de práctica virtual iberoamericana de educadores de infancia y como esta se ha establecido como puente para la integración de las TIC, como autoformación para los educadores y parte integrante en el contexto educativo de educación de infancia

    Comunidades virtuales en blended learning: estudio de casos en @rcaComun

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    In virtual communities, Community of Inquiry (CoI) is one of the most developed, collaborative and constructivist approaches amongst scientific studies on e-learning. The objective of this research is to analyse the existence of social, cognitive and teaching presence and examine the cognitive presence in a b-learning model. It follows a qualitative methodology based on studies, conducted with 97 educators, enrolled on four, part time training courses offered by @rcaComum about programming with ScratchJr. The content of these forums was analysed according to the CoI. model, obtaining 1,206 messages, categorized and coded in 1,895 themed units. The results are led by the teaching presence, with the moderator using a proactive role towards teaching. Social presence is based on open communication, while cognitive presence is marked by messages of confusion and the recognition of problems. It is concluded that the social and cognitive factors that intervene in hybrid training, question the value of the CoI model. The implications of the CoI instruction approach in a mixed learning model are discussed and recommendations for future research are included.Community of Inquiry (CoI) es de los enfoques constructivistas colaborativos más desarrollados entre los estudios científicos sobre e-learning en comunidades virtuales. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la existencia de la presencia social, cognitiva y docente y examinar la existencia de elementos cognitivos sobre un modelo b-learning. Se sigue una metodología cualitativa basada en estudio de casos, realizada con 97 educadoras, matriculadas en cuatro cursos de formación semipresencial ofrecidos por @rcacomun sobre programación con ScratchJr. Se analizó el contenido de los foros según el modelo CoI, obteniendo 1.206 mensajes, categorizados y codificados en 1.895 unidades temáticas. Los resultados están liderados por la presencia docente, con el rol proactivo de la moderadora hacia la enseñanza. La presencia social está basada en la comunicación abierta, mientras que la presencia cognitiva está marcada por mensajes de confusión y reconocimiento de problemas. Se concluye que los factores sociales y cognitivos que intervienen en la formación híbrida cuestionan el valor del modelo CoI. Se discuten las implicaciones del enfoque de instrucción CoI en el modelo de aprendizaje mixto y se incluyen recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones

    Virtual communities in Blended Learning: cases study at @rcaComum

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    Community of Inquiry (CoI) es de los enfoques constructivistas colaborativos más desarrollados entre los estudios científicos sobre e-learning en comunidades virtuales. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la existencia de la presencia social, cognitiva y docente y examinar la existencia de elementos cognitivos sobre un modelo b-learning. Se sigue una metodología cualitativa basada en estudio de casos, realizada con 97 educadoras, matriculadas en cuatro cursos de formación semipresencial ofrecidos por @rcaComum sobre programación con ScratchJr. Se analizó el contenido de los foros según el modelo CoI, obteniendo 1.206 mensajes, categorizados y codificados en 1.895 unidades temáticas. Los resultados están liderados por la presencia docente, con el rol proactivo de la moderadora hacia la enseñanza. La presencia social está basada en la comunicación abierta, mientras que la presencia cognitiva está marcada por mensajes de confusión y reconocimiento de problemas. Se concluye que los factores sociales y cognitivos que intervienen en la formación híbrida cuestionan el valor del modelo CoI. Se discuten las implicaciones del enfoque de instrucción CoI en el modelo de aprendizaje mixto y se incluyen recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones.In virtual communities, Community of Inquiry (CoI) is one of the most developed, collaborative and constructivist approaches amongst scientific studies on e-learning. The objective of this research is to analyse the existence of social, cognitive and teaching presence and examine the cognitive presence in a b-learning model. It follows a qualitative methodology based on studies, conducted with 97 educators, enrolled on four, part time training courses offered by @rcaComum about programming with ScratchJr. The content of these forums was analysed according to the CoI. model, obtaining 1,206 messages, categorized and coded in 1,895 themed units. The results are led by the teaching presence, with the moderator using a proactive role towards teaching. Social presence is based on open communication, while cognitive presence is marked by messages of confusion and the recognition of problems. It is concluded that the social and cognitive factors that intervene in hybrid training, question the value of the CoI model. The implications of the CoI instruction approach in a mixed learning model are discussed and recommendations for future research are included.Este trabajo está financiado por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte para contratos predoctorales FPU (Ref. FPU13/04744) presentando resultados parciales de la tesis doctoral de Pilar Ibáñez-Cubillas. También está financiado por FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - referência SFRH/BPD/109205/2015) y el apoyo del Instituto de Educação e Centro de Competência.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desenvolvimento Positivo pela Tecnologia (PTD) checklist de envolvimento: crianças/criança e ambientes/facilitadores

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    Este artigo apresenta uma reflexão teórica sobre o contributo que a aplicação da Checklist de Envolvimento: Crianças/Criança e Ambientes/Facilitadores (Strawhacker & Bers, 2018) poderá ter para a promoção de experiências de aprendizagem com tecnologia que fomentem o desenvolvimento positivo da criança (Bers, 2018). Tendo por base um modelo de “desenvolvimento positivo pela tecnologia” (PTD) assente nos princípios de desenvolvimento da criança (Ramos, 2016), este instrumento1 foi desenvolvido e validado no âmbito dos trabalhos desenvolvidos por Marina Bers (2008, 2012, 2018). A tradução aqui disponibilizada foi realizada no âmbito do projeto KML II - Laboratório de Tecnologias e Aprendizagem de Programação para o Pré-escolar e 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico em Portugal, observando-se os respetivos direitos de autor2.A partir de uma perspetiva construcionista dos processos de aprendizagem (Papert, 1999; Resnick, 2017; Bers, 2018), o presente trabalho explora como esta checklist poderá contribuir para uma maior compreensão de várias dimensões de análise de contextos de promoção do desenvolvimento positivo pela tecnologia. Pretende-se, desta forma, estimular a construção de ambientes de aprendizagem ricos em tecnologia e promotores do desenvolvimento positivo da criança, que atentem, nomeadamente, à centralidade das relações interpessoais e da qualidade dos ambientes onde estas atividades ocorrem. Ao longo do texto, serão apresentadas as caraterísticas desta checklist, designadamente os seis tipos de comportamentos positivos de utilização das tecnologias considerados e a sua distribuição por domínios e dimensões de análise. A reflexão sobre a análise da relação de dinâmicas entre crianças e contextos, bem como a compreensão de como a tecnologia pode ser concebida e utilizada para promover comportamentos positivos, poderá permitir aos profissionais da educação analisar os progressos no desenvolvimento de competências tecnológicas e na promoção do desenvolvimento cognitivo, social e moral de todas as crianças. Entendemos que a possibilidade de traduzir e utilizar este instrumento de análise trará um contributo importante para a análise das interações das crianças com tecnologias, nos seus contextos educativos. Esperamos, desta forma, possibilitar um melhor conhecimento da forma como as tecnologias digitais poderão promover o desenvolvimento positivo das crianças, designadamente no âmbito da investigação desenvolvida pelo projeto KML2, cujos resultados (Amante et al, 2019; Monteiro et al, 2021; Souza et al, 2020) poderão, assim, ser discutidos no contexto do atual quadro educativo mundial.This article presents a theoretical reflection on the contribution that the application of the Engagement Checklist: Children/Child and Environments/Facilitators (Strawhacker & Bers, 2018) may have for the promotion of learning experiences with technology that promote positive child development (Bers, 2018). Based on a model of "positive development through technology" (PTD) grounded in the work developed by Marina Bers (2008, 2012, 2018). The translation provided here was carried out within the scope of the KML II project - Laboratory of Technologies and Learning Programming for Pre-school and Primary School in Portugal, with respect to the corresponding authoring rights. From a learning processes constructionist perspective (Papert, 1999; Resnick, 2017; Bers, 2018), this paper explores how this checklist can contribute to a greater understanding of several dimensions of analysis of contexts promoting positive development through technology. In this way, it aims to stimulate the construction of learning environments that are rich in technology and promote positive child development, paying particular attention to the centrality of interpersonal relationships and the quality of the environments where these activities occur. Throughout the text, the characteristics of this checklist will be presented, namely the six types of positive behaviours in the use of technologies considered and their distribution by domains and dimensions of analysis. The reflection on the analysis of the relationship of dynamics between children and contexts, as well as the understanding of how technology can be designed and used to promote positive behaviours, may allow education professionals to analyse the progress in the development of technological competences and the promotion of the cognitive, social and moral development of all children. We believe that the possibility to translate and use this analysis tool will bring an important contribution to the analysis of children's interactions with technologies, in their educational contexts. We hope, in this way, to enable a better knowledge of how digital technologies may promote children's positive development, namely within the scope of the research developed by the KML2 project, whose results (Amante et al, 2019; Monteiro et al, 2021; Souza et al, 2020) may, thus, be discussed in a worldwide educational framework.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio